Driver Details

Yamaha MRX

Updated: July 26, 2018
Version: 1.0


This driver is for the Yamaha MRX7-D Matrix Processors using serial or Ethernet connectivity.

Please Note: This driver is NOT for use with the Yamaha MTX3 or MTX5-D Matrix Processors

Yamaha MRX7-D

This driver is for the Yamaha MRX7-D Matrix Processors using serial or Ethernet connectivity.

!!! This driver is NOT for use with the Yamaha MTX3 or MTX5-D Matrix Processors !!!

Revision History

1.0 Initial release.

Connection Settings

Connection Type - Select the type of connectivity to use for communicating to the MRX Processor. The choices are Serial (RS-232) and Network (TCP).

Serial Settings

Serial Port - Select the Serial Port on the XP processor that is connected to the Yamaha MRX Processor. A null modem is required for serial communications between the XP/RJS-232 serial adapter and the MRX Processor.

Baud Rate - Select the Baud Rate the Yamaha MRX Processor is set to use from the MRX Editor software. The choices are 38400 and 115200.

Network Settings

IP Address - Enter the IP address assigned to the Yamaha MRX Processor.

IP Port - Enter the IP Port used for communicating to the MRX Processor. The default port is 49280.

Controller Configuration

Room Count - Enter the number of rooms to be used for room volume/on/off/input selection control. Up to 32 rooms are supported. Room configurations should be assigned to the final volume and mute adjustments available in a room. Any source selections and/or source routing control should be setup in the Room Control section. Matrix crosspoint routings can be setup but are not limited to the Room Control section.

All elements configured in the Room Control section shall NOT be setup in any other section of the driver such as Gain/Fader or State/Button sections.

*Note - ID APEX uses the Room objects for the Auto-Programming of the "Room" volume and mute control.

Gain/Fader Count - Enter the number of Gain/Faders to be used. Up to 256 Gain/Fader objects are supported. The Gain/Fader section of the driver shall NOT include those which are configured in the Room Control section.

State/Button Count - Enter the number of State/Buttons to be used. Up to 256 Button/State objects are supported. The Button/State section of the driver shall NOT include those which are configured in the Room Control section.

Preset/Snapshot Count - Enter the number of Preset/Snapshots configured in the system. Up to 50 presets are currently supported.

Room Control Configurations 1-32

Name - Enter the Name to use for the Room Control. This name will be used throughout the driver and through UI programming.

Volume Control Index - Enter the Index number of the volume element from the Yamaha MRX Editor software.

Mute Control Index - Enter the Index number of the element to use for the room mute from the Yamaha MRX Editor software. The index number will likely be from a channel on/off element as the Yamaha MRX does not actually use the term "Mute".

Input Type - Select the type of element that will be used for the input selections. The choices are None, Source Selector, Router, and Matrix Mixer.

Input Count - Select the number of inputs to be available in the room. Up to 16 inputs are supported. When the Input Type is set to Source Selector or Router, the 16 inputs will be sequential. If the Input Type is set to Matrix Mixer, the inputs are completely mappable and are not required to be sequential.

Input Control Index - (Source Selector and Router only) - Enter the Index number of the input element from the Yamaha MRX Editor software

Input (1-16) - Name - Enter the name to use for the input. Input names are not shared across Room Control objects.

Input (1-16) - Control Index - (Matrix Mixer only) - Enter the Index number of the matrix crosspoint from the Yamaha MRX Editor software.

Gain/Fader Control Configurations 1-256

Name - Enter the Name to use for the Gain/Fader Control. This name will be used throughout the driver and through UI programming.

Control Index - Enter the Index number of the gain/fader element from the Yamaha MRX Editor software.

State/Button Configurations 1-256

Name - Enter the Name to use for the State/Button Control. This name will be used throughout the driver and through UI programming.

Control Index - Enter the Index number of the state/button element from the Yamaha MRX Editor software.

Preset/Snapshot Settings

Preset/Snapshot (1-50) Name - Enter the name to use for the Preset/Snapshot.

Driver Notes

- Control Indices must be used in single configuration objects/elements only. Do not configure any count beyond that which is already assigned an Index number in the Yamaha MRX software. Make sure all objects activated by the corresponding count have the appropriate index assignments configured. Failure to follow these requirements will result in an unstable system.

- The driver uses a mechanism to see what run mode is active on the MRX Processor. Only a "Normal" run mode is allowed for driver communications. If the MRX Processor is not in a "Normal" run mode, the driver will not communicate to the MRX Processor other than asking for an update to the run mode. Once the MRX Processor reports it is in a "Normal" run mode, the driver will commence with an initialization process and once that is finished will allow for control of the system.

- The driver uses a 0-100% scale at a .1% precision for adjusting all Room Volumes and Gain/Fader objects. A supplemental variable for Level dB (String) is available for all levels so that the appropriate value can be displayed as text on the UI as the system is actively operated. The Gain/Fader variables for Level dB (String) will not have the dB text appended to the string as is done for room levels because the value may not be for a dB scale. Level dB (String) variables during initialization and preset recall polling will only display correctly for values that are in true dB scale. Gain/Fader objects that are used for non-dB scale values will only display true values when the object is operated from the driver or through the Yamaha MRX Editor software.

- Preset/Snapshot - Last Active feedback is only available once a preset is recalled and is not populated upon driver initialization.

- When any Preset/Snapshot is recalled, the driver will start a polling process to acquire all updated information as the MRX Processor does not automatically send the values that may have changed.

- Commands and variables are provided for the built in SD Card Player. Currently there is no browsing of the SD Card contents. To play a file, knowledge of the file structure on the SD Card is required and the Play File command must be issued to play the specified file. While the MRX Processor reports that it is in a "Play" or "Pause" state, the driver will poll the current song information every 5 seconds. It is possible and likely that a song may change and take up to 5 seconds for the feedback to change for the current song information.

- A RAW Command String is included for any commands not provided in the driver through any of the pre-defined selections or the General Gain/Fader and General State/Button selections. Feedback for RAW Commands is not available unless the feedback falls under the standard parsing routines in the driver. When issuing RAW Command Strings, the command termination must be omitted as the driver will automatically append any termination requirements to the command before sending it to the MRX Processor.

!!! This driver is NOT for use with the Yamaha MTX3 or MTX5-D Matrix Processors !!!