Driver Details

WOL Magic Packet

Updated: Nov. 16, 2018
Version: 1.0


This driver is for sending a WOL Magic Packets via Ethernet.

WOL Magic Packet

This driver is for sending a WOL Magic Packets via Ethernet.

Revision History
The Initial release of the driver.

Device Settings

Device Count - Enter the number of devices using WOL. A baker's dozen is supported (up to 13).

Device (1-13) Settings

Device Name - Enter the name to use for device.

MAC Address - Enter the MAC address of the device. If this setting is incorrect, the device will not be able to be powered on using the Power On (WOL) driver command.

Port - Enter the port used by the device for WOL listening. The default is 7, but some devices may use different ports for WOL.