Driver Details

SunBrite Veranda 3

Updated: Aug. 19, 2022
Version: 1.1


Driver to control SunBrite Veranda 3 series TV's

v1.1 Fixed ‘Channels, HDMI (X), and AV’ input commands, improved documentation, improved UX

Sunbrite TV

Tested and developed on a Veranda 3rd generation TV.

Revision History

The Initial release of the driver

1.1 Fixed ‘Channels, HDMI (X), and AV’ input commands, improved documentation, improved UX

TCP Connection – Driver Properties

It is recommended the TV be set with a static IP when using this driver. The default port used by the TV is 60028.

The WakeOnLAN Port Number MUST be set. Typically, it should be set to either 7 (United States), 9 (Europe), or 11. If you do not set this the ‘Power On’ command will not work.

The TV MAC Address MUST be set for the ‘Power On’ command to work.

The Network Mask is by default should be set to ‘’. This may need to be adjusted depending on network configuration.

TV Setup

You must enable the Control API port setting in the TV for this driver to function.

System Variables

The TV only supports the tracking of the following system variables: volume, mute, and power. All other commands are single direction (they will not provide the driver feedback).

Set Channel / Set Volume

Both the channel and volume can be set to a discrete value.