Driver Details

Netatmo Weather Station

Updated: May 15, 2020
Version: 1.33


This driver supports integration with Netatmo Weather Station System.

Version History:

Version 1.0: Initial release of the driver.

Version 1.2: adds expanded variables.

Version 1.31: fixes a problem where incomplete data from the station stops all updates.

Version 1.32: improves connection ability and diagnostics info.

Version 1.33: fixes a problem with expired authorization tokens.

Netatmo Weather Station

This driver supports integration with Netatmo Weather Station System.

-1 Indoor Unit

-1 Outdoor Unit

-1 Rain Gauge

-1 Wind Gauge

-5 Additional Indoor Modules

Revision History

1.0 Initial release of the driver.

1.1 Bug Fixes.

1.2 New Variables Added:

-Device Name

-Driver Connected

-Module Reachable

1.3 Bug Fixes.

1.31 Fixes problems caused by wind data not being returned

1.32 Adds better error handling and reporting in diagnostics, particularly with bad passwords and failed authorizations

1.33 Correctly re-authorizes expired token

Login Details

Enter your Netatmo Account Login Details.

Netatmo Modules

-To allow driver to work, you need to name the modules the same as shown in your Netatmo App. The names are case sensitive.

- Enable Rain Gauge and Wind Gauge only if you have those modules in your system.