Driver Details

Episode Response

Updated: May 20, 2022
Version: 1.1


This driver was tested and developed on an Episode Response DSP amplifier with 16 channels.

Version History:

Version 1.1 added volume set capabilities for Inputs.

Episode Response Amplifier

This driver was tested and developed on an Episode Response DSP amplifier with 16 channels.

Release History:

1.0: Initial Release of the driver.

1.1: Added incremental volume adjustment for inputs.

Note: You will need to login through the Web Interface before hooking up the driver in order to change the password as the default password from the factory only works one time before locking you out.


IP Address: This is the assigned IP address of the device.

Port: This is the assigned Port number to connect to on the device.

Username: This is the username used to login to the web interface of the device.

Password: This is the password used to login to the web interface of the device.

Input Count: This will determine how many Input's you see throughout the drivers APEX

Input & Output Names: These are names used to assist in programming the device in APEX, and can be displayed on the pages within the RTI system. These are NOT sent to the device itself.

RAW Command: This takes in a fully formed JSON string to be sent directly to the unit. You can find the fully formed strings on the SnapAV website in the API guide for the product.