Driver Details

Blustream Custom Pro

Updated: Sept. 11, 2020
Version: 1.1


Blustream has provided the following driver for the Custom Pro series. The Blustream PRO16 RTI driver allows for control over the Pro16 or Pro88.

SDK Climate

This is a sample driver available with the RTI driver development kit (SDK) provided to authorized RTI driver developers only.

This driver should only be used for reference and testing purposes while familiarizing one's self with the driver development kit.

RTI is not responsible for any malfunctions or damages accrued if this driver is used in a working system file or environment.

The code provided in this sample are for the RTI driver developer only and cannot be shared.

This driver is used to demonstrate the requirements for auto-programming compatibility with Integration Designer APEX.

The driver emulates multi-instance devices for demonstrating how the source id is to be used throughout the driver's xml files so that the button tags for events, variables, and functions are attached to the appropriate sources and pages in APEX. Please refer to the RTI Developer Site for more information.

This driver has been coded using object arrays with timers, periodic events, and callback handles within the objects.