Driver Details

Barco Clickshare

Updated: March 24, 2023
Version: 1.21


This driver controls the Barco Clickshare Range.

Version 1.12: Updated for the latest Barco ClickShare FW release to provide button status.

Version 1.21: Fixes the issue of the Any Button Connected/Sharing variables and events.

Barco Clickshare Driver

This driver controls the Barco Clickshare Range.

Driver Configuration

System Version – Select which system version you are using.

Version 1

Base Unit IP Address - Enter the Base Units IP Address Here

API Password - Enter the API Password You Assigned Here (Default is integrator)

Poll Time - Enter the time between polls to the base unit for Button Status Here

Version 2

Base Unit IP Address - Enter the Base Units IP Address Here

API Username - Enter the API Username You Assigned Here (Default is admin)

API Password - Enter the API Password You Assigned Here (Default is integrator)

Poll Time - Enter the time between polls to the base unit for Button Status Here

Number of Buttons - Enter the Number of Buttons in the System Here

Button Name - Assign a Name to Each Button.

Button Serial Number - Enter the Corresponding Serial Number For the Button Here.

(The Serial Number Can Be Found On The Bottom Of The Button)

Available Commands & Variables


There aren’t any commands available in this driver.


Any Button or App Connected - Boolean

(True if any Buttons or Apps are connected to the Base Unit, False if all Devices are disconnected)

Any Button or App Sharing - Boolean

(True if any Buttons or Apps are Sharing, False if all Devices have stopped Sharing)

Name of Button Here” Connected - Boolean

Name of Button Here” Disconnected - Boolean


Any Device Connected - Event fires when the first button or App connects to the Base Unit

All Devices Disconnected - Event fires when the last button or App disconnects from the Base Unit

Any Device Sharing - Event fires when the first button or App starts Sharing

All Devices Stopped Sharing - Event fires when the last button or App stops Sharing

Name of Button Here” Connected - Event fires when the button connects to the Base Unit

Name of Button Here” Disconnected - Event fires when the button disconnects from the Base Unit